Paint the Town Pink T-Shirt Preorder Form
Thank you for helping us to "Paint the Town Pink" in 2024! Your support means that we can continue to provide mammograms and breast screenings to those most in need.
In 2008, Opelousas General Health System started the "Paint the Town Pink"initiative, a program promoting Breast Cancer Awareness, breast cancer
education and free mammograms for eligible men and women in our community.
Why do we "Paint the Town Pink" in our community?
St. Landry Parish is above the national average for mammography screenings due to availability and access to annual screenings and testing provided by "Paint the Town Pink"!
Opelousas General Health System Foundation is offering free mammograms
through our "Paint the Town Pink" initiative, to men and women
in our community who meet specific qualifications.
Services can be performed at either Opelousas General Health System or
at OGH Imaging Center in Sunset, La. Screening mammograms are approved
on a first come, first serve basis.
You must meet income eligibility guidelines based on the following qualifications and be uninsured or underinsured; income verification is required. Income verification must be in the form of an award letter or last two paystubs. In addition, you must meet at least 1 of the 3 eligibility requirements below.
Qualification & Eligibility Guidelines
For more information about Paint the Town Pink 2024, call Foundation Director, Cindy Torian at (337) 678-4266 or email at cindytorian@opelousasgeneral.com.